1. The static power test 555 time base circuit referred to as 555, is a very versatile circuit. The following describes the test method for the 555 time base circuit with a multimeter.
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Figure 1 shows the test circuit for the 555 static power consumption of the multimeter. The so-called static power consumption refers to the power consumption when the circuit is not loaded. Here, use the multimeter's DC voltage 50 V to measure the UCC value (according to the manufacturer's test condition Ucc=15 V), and then use the multimeter's DC current 10 mA to be connected between the power supply and the 555 pin 8. The measured value It is the quiescent current, and the quiescent current multiplied by the power supply voltage is the static power consumption. Typically, a quiescent current of less than 8 mA is acceptable.
2. The test method of the output level is shown in Figure 2.
Connect the multimeter at the output of the 555 (set the range switch to DC voltage 50 V). When the switch S is turned off, the 3 pin of the 555 outputs a high level, and the multimeter measures its value to be greater than 14 V; when the s is closed, the 3 pin of the 555 outputs a low level (0 V).
3. Output current test
The test circuit is shown in Figure 3.
Add a low potential lower than UCC/3 (ie 1/3×15 V=5 V) on pin 2 of 555. Also use a resistor with a resistance of 100 kQ to touch pin 2 of 555 with pin 1 of the 555. At this time, the multimeter displays the output current; then, with this resistor, the 6-pin and 8-pin of the 555 are touched. If the display of the multimeter is zero at this time, it indicates that the 555 time base circuit is reliably cut off. When performing the above operation, turn the multimeter's range switch to the current 1000 mA range.