Silicon photonic sensor chip come out

Silicon photonic sensor chip come out IMEC and Genalyte jointly stated that they have successfully developed a silicon-based biosensing chip and created a one-time silicon photonic sensor chip that will be used in Genalyte's diagnostic and molecular testing equipment. use.

The chip is a combination of IMEC's ​​standard chip technology and Genalyte's bio-detection technology and is specifically targeted at the high-end multi-functional biometrics market.

Resistance To Strong Magnetic CT

Our company`s current transformers have high precision,wide range,small volume and good linearity that can be used to the field of electronic watt-hour meter, electric energy metering, electronic detection.


●Power frequency insulation strength:The insulation between the primary winding and the secondary winding and the ground part of the CT can bear 4kV power frequency voltage for 1minute

●Interturn insulation strength:The secondary open circuit, the primary winding through the rated current 1min, no inter-turn damage in the transformer

●The deviation is better than the industry standards and national standards

Resistance To Strong Magnetic Ct,Best Current Transformer,Multifunctional Current Transformer,Custom Magnetism Ct

Anyang Kayo Amorphous Technology Co.,Ltd. ,